Our next story is on environmental NFT’s submit a link to any NFT’s you have on carbon neutral platforms or that create fundraising for environmental causes.
The first few NFT’s from this story will begin on April 22nd for earth day and more will be added throughout the month.
Click hereto submit your own work or work from your collection for this story.
If your work fits the theme criteria it will be shown.
Join us as we play NFT Telephone! We will be starting with an NFT created by artist Juri Koll, which will then be manipulated and turned into new NFTs by subsequent artists!
Below you will find first time NFT experimentations from over 20 contemporary artists new to NFT’s alongside interesting early drops by NFT Artists already experienced in the field.
Stay tuned as we go greater in depth with each of the artists as the story continues.
Please note these are low-res thumbnails of the NFT’s and many are still images that lead to an animation please CLICK THE IMAGE to see in full res, learn more about the work or acquire it for your NFT collection.
Halo Adrift, Neon Moth
Haleh Javanshir, Pinball
Haleh Javanshir, Light Me Up
Haleh Javanshir, Watch Me
Chalda Maloff, Common Denominator
Hadiya Finley, Lady Duck
Hadiya Finley, Lady Owl
Calethia DeConto, Desert Flow
Calethia DeConto, In Her Orbit
Calethia DeConto, Ornithomancing
Randi Matushevitz, Moodswing
Randi Matushevitz, Adora Smiling
Stephen Anderson, Cause The Problem Fix The Problem